The International Life Science Community and the World of Business Meet in Aachen at the Biomedica Summit

03.12.2009 | 142262
Aachen, 2 December 2009: The life science community and the world of business will meet in Aachen, Germany on 17 and 18 March, at one of the most important European interdisciplinary congresses. This summit symbolizes the success of life sciences in the Top Technology Region of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. One of the aims of Biomedica is to foster cooperation between institutes and enterprises to improve product innovations.

As a key European summit, the Biomedica objectives are also to guarantee top quality presentations by internationally renowned speakers. Prof. Dr. George Guo-Qiang Chen, a renowned scientist from the Tsinghua University of Beijing, one of the top three universities of China, has already confirmed his participation. Throughout both days more than 40 speakers from leading universities and life science companies will be present. The organizers are expecting 900 participants from 20 different nations.

New at the summit this year are the integrated topics and convergent technologies within the following sessions entitled: biofunctional materials, engineering and devices, advanced development for (bio) pharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals, disease-specific diagnostics and personalized medicine, and integrated care solutions & services. There will be a special session dedicated to business development and product innovations, as well as an expert discussion forum after each session to exchange ideas about the latest research developments and their transfer into industry.

This manifestation supports and stimulates the collaboration between science and business by hosting an accompanying exhibition highlighting institutions and leading enterprises from life sciences which will present their know-how and their new products.
Biomedica is also a spring board for young scientists; after the successful poster competition last year – more than 100 posters were submitted. In 2010 Biomedica Summit will again open its doors to young researchers and give them the opportunity to take part in a poster exhibition contest with a reward for the winners.

Last but not least Biomedica Summit remains the perfect place for opening up networking opportunities. Delegates will have the opportunity to meet with potential business partners and other scientists in related fields in the context of an international forum. On March 17 and 18 the city of Aachen, Germany will definitely be a business and science meeting point.

Firma: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG


Art des Inhalts: Messeinformationen
Versandart: kein
Keywords (optional):
Biotechnology, Sciences, Medicine ...

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