Zeitlich unlimitierte Firmenlistung auf MICE-Contact
Das Online Magazin MICE-Contact.com, eines der weltweit führenden Internet Newsportale in der Meeting-und Incentive-Industrie, bietet jetzt seinen Firmenkunden eine zeitlich unbegrenzte Eintragung in der Rubrik „Link Listing A-Z“ an."Es ist somit eine der reichweitenstärksten Newsletter Distributionen in der MICE-Branche", so Werner Kreis, Editor-in-Chief von MICE-Contact.com, und "das Magazin ist auf allen wichtigen Messen im Tourismus und Meetingsektor weltweit als Mediapartner anerkannt und vertreten, das macht uns sehr stolz" sagt Kreis.
weiterführende Infos / Links :
Firma: MICE-Contact
Ansprechpartner: Werner Kreis
Stadt: Quickborn
Telefon: 03212 1023673
Art des Inhalts: Produktinformation
Keywords (optional):
MICE, Businesstravel, Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Events, Globa ...
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Über den Autor
MICE-Contact.com is a division of Meeting Consult International andGlobalevents Germany. Member of MC International Media Group.
MICE-Contact is the gateway to the global network in the Meeting (MICE) and tourism industry andone of the most popular online news magazine for travel professionals.
We offer also a wide range of PR and marketing services to enable you to get the maximum impact from your campaign on MICE-Contact for a fraction of the cost of other travel media advertisements. Hundreds of companies across the globe use our products. The weekly newsletter is sent to more than 73.100 registered users who are in their great
majority travel trade professionals and contains the titles of news of the day.
MICE-Contact News coverage is picked up by the major search engines world-wide as “news-feeds”,which then direct readers back to the website where the stories and advertisements are easily accessed. MICE-Contact is proud and to be a global media support of a number of international tourism and MICE exhibitions from around the world.
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