SAMS Europe 2014
Software Asset Management Strategies Europe 2014Implementation of an enterprise-wide SLM and SAM | Cost-saving, risk-reducing and demand-oriented SAM in practice | Virtualization, Enterprise Mobility, Cloud Computing, SaaS | License models and strategies under scrutiny | SLM and SAM in dynamic business environments
September 18 – 19, 2014 | MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin |
Implementation of an enterprise-wide SLM and SAM | Cost-saving, risk-reducing and demand-oriented SAM in practice | Virtualization, Enterprise Mobility, Cloud Computing, SaaS | License models and strategies under scrutiny | SLM and SAM in dynamic business environments
September 18 – 19, 2014 | MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin |
With regards to our upcoming international event, the we.CONECT annual SAMS Europe 2014 conference, we are pleased to provide you a variety of interesting information in our Media Center. Prior to the conference, we spoke with decision makers about their current projects, the key challenges and future potential in their business.
Please take the opportunity and visit our Media Center. We offer you free access to expert presentations, interviews and white papers related to strategic approaches and challenges of Software Asset & License Management.
The we.CONECT SAMS Europe 2014 MEDIA CENTER presents you:
• Audit Defense: Level the Playing Field with Software License Management
A lot of times discrepancies arise between your company’s actual compliance position and the compliance position produced by an auditor - but the burden lies with your company to prove that the data is correct.
Aspera outlines in its recently published white paper the most common differences in compliance positions, raising the question: How can a company use Software License Management to prove that its data is correct in order to effectively negotiate with the publisher on a level playing field?
Agfa-Gevaert N.V. / Belgium I Daniel Van Daele I Corporate Category Manager OEMIT speaks about the management licenses in a moving environment and the resale of licenses. During the interview he points out the difficulty to manage the quantity of entitlements. In his opinion, a moving environment requires the control on how the credits are used at customer site and to check if the customer is compliant with the rules of the publishing company. Read more…
Toyota Motor Europe / Belgium I Steve Wynants I Senior Specialist CIO Office refers to the management of software audits as a team approach. From his perspective, a software audit should be considered as an IT project, and be handled as one. That means that the team members involved in the audit understand the requirements of the vendor. And that they know what they have to do. Read more…
• Introducing License Management in over 54 Countries around the World: Lessons Learned
Michael Baumann, Vice President Infrastructure & Service Management, DHL Supply Chain / Germany
• Smart Software License Management (Smart SLM)
Michael Friedle, Asset- und Licensemanager, T-Systems International GmbH / Germany
Jürgen Krajnc, International Project Manager, T-Systems International GmbH / Germany
• Google / SalesForce / Ariba in real life – actual benefits and drawbacks of the Cloud vs traditional software
Christian Gillet, International Purchasing Manager - IT/Telecom, Solvay S.A. / Belgium
REVIEW SAMS Europe 2012
• Impressions 2013
• Post Event Report
• Graphic Recording
• SAMS Series Video
• Live Interview with Axel King, Cofounder at Snow Software
More than 150 senior managers, leaders and directors will meet from September 18 - 19, 2014 to discuss and analyse latest software asset management strategies. Be part of our interactive community and join our get-together with top companies from all over the world to debate current challenges and the latest development of SAM strategies.
If you want to get new ideas, fresh approaches and action-plans of how to empower your SAM & SLM strategy you can''t miss this conference- mark it in your calendar!
The we.CONECT team will be delighted to meet you in September in Berlin - Let´s get in touch!
We look forward to welcoming you!
Nicole Steuer | Marketing Development Manager
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Gertraudenstr. 10-12 | 10178 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 81 | Fax: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 30
Email: |
weiterführende Infos / Links :
Firma: we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Ansprechpartner: Peter Haack
Stadt: Berlin
Telefon: Tel:+49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 42
Art des Inhalts: Messeinformation
Keywords (optional):
gmbh, 2014, berlin, conect, conference, Connect, disruptive, dtim,awar ...
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Über den Autor
we.CONECT Global Leaders ist ein internationaler Anbieter von Netzwerkplattformen für Führungskräfte.Im Mittelpunkt von allem was wir tun, steht ein grundlegendes Vertrauen in die Kraft und die Fähigkeiten der Menschen, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten.
Wir kümmern uns um unsere Kunden, unsere Partner und unsere Mitarbeiter. Das ist unser Antrieb und wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Arbeit. Wir investieren unsere Zeit, unser Wissen und unsere Kraft voll und ganz in die Entwicklung unserer Produkte. Diese Philosophie setzt ein Klima voraus, in dem Ideen und Menschen mit ihren Aufgaben wachsen können, in dem offenes Denken und Partizipation gefördert werden und in dem frische, innovative Ansätze und neue Gesichter jederzeit willkommen sind.
Bei we.CONECT stehen die Menschen und der intensive Informationsaustausch an erster Stelle. Zählen wir das Know-how unserer Mitarbeiter in den Bereichen Research, Marketing und Organisation zusammen, stehen hinter we.CONECT mehr als 40 Jahre Erfahrung. Wir glauben, dass es keinen Ersatz für persönliches Kennenlernen, den Austausch von Ideen und Best Practices gibt. Wir setzen deshalb bei unseren Formaten auf Interaktion und helfen so unseren Kunden, ihre individuellen Ziele zu erreichen. we.CONECT veranstaltet mehr als 30 einzigartige Netzwerkplattformen pro Jahr, mit dem Fokus auf Best Practices von Weltmarktführern.
Wir messen uns an hohen Standards bei der Entwicklung unserer Produkte, sprechen mit renommierten Managern und Führungskräften und schaffen einzigartige Live Events.
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