Press-fitting instead of soldering – the PowerTwo high-current elements from Würth Elektronik ICS
The PowerTwo Power Elements with press-fit technology made by Würth Elektronik ICS are a favourable advantage to soldering technology. The high-current contacts are now available in the new Original Power Elements Online Shop.PowerTwo Power Elements are not soldered, but rather press-fitted. As a result of this, PCBs can even be used at extremely high temperatures; the production process is simple and also represents a cost-effective alternative.
Subject to the pin arrangement of the Power Elements and the PCB layout, currents of up to 500 amperes can be achieved. With just 100 – 200 micro-ohms, the two-piece PowerTwo high-current elements have an extremely low contact resistance, meaning that the main limiting factor is usually caused by the circuit board layout or the connection of external supply cables. There are eight basic versions of the PowerTwo Power Elements available (M 2.5 – M 12) and, in addition, the product range also includes a multitude of client-specific solutions.
The entire range of Würth Elektronik ICS high-current components is now available from the new Original Power Element Online Shop at First-time buyers will receive a 10% discount on their order.
weiterführende Infos / Links :
Firma: Würth Elektronik ICS GmbH & Co. KG
Ansprechpartner: Marketing Würth Elektronik ICS
Stadt: 74676 Niedernhall
Telefon: +49 (0) 7940 9810 -0
Art des Inhalts: Messeinformation
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Über den Autor
About Würth Elektronik ICS GmbH & Co. KGWürth Elektronik ICS was established in 1984 as the electromechanical components division within Würth Elektronik. The company has been located in the industrial park Waldzimmern in Niedernhall since May 2014. The five previous locations now work together in the new technology and production center. Today, the Würth Elektronik ICS Group employs some 260 personnel at its locations in Hohenlohe/Germany, France and the USA, and achieved sales of 43 million EUR in 2013. Würth Elektronik ICS has positioned itself on the market as a provider of system solutions for signal and power distribution units, electronic controllers and display and control panels for the automotive sector and industry. The SKEDD division offers solutions for a new form of connection technologies for electronic assemblies and components.
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