Bizerba will revolutionise fresh produce management
New multimedia scales, databases with thousands of product information entries for competent product advice and enterprise resource planning systems which provide vendors with transparency about the portfolio of their range of fresh produce- the technology manufacturer Bizerba presented complete solutions at the annual NRF 2010 convention from 10-13 January with which grocers can be provided with enormous competitive advantages and cost optimisations through the goal-oriented use of IT.Balingen, 26th January 2010 - New multimedia scales, databases with thousands of product information entries for competent product advice and enterprise resource planning systems which provide vendors with transparency about the portfolio of their range of fresh produce- the technology manufacturer Bizerba presented complete solutions at the annual NRF 2010 convention from 10-13 January with which grocers can be provided with enormous competitive advantages and cost optimisations through the goal-oriented use of IT.
In the Customer Experience Pavilion (stand 1972), Bizerba will revolutionise fresh produce management in order to optimise the sales process. This will be made possible by the new multimedia scales of the K-class generation in combination with the software family RetailFramework. The user can update his own contents directly on the screens of the scales (pre-designed contents are also optionally available on Bizerba’s online shop RetailMall) and any previous technical knowledge is not necessary. Even untrained staff can therefore advise professionally.
“We don’t just simply provide a new range of scales, we also offer technological and industry-oriented expertise for fresh produce management“, says Claudia Gross, director of global marketing and communication at Bizerba. An efficient enterprise resource planning system is essential for quick sales. The software RetailFramework, a collection of various applications and middleware modules, provides the retailer with current statistics and sales numbers so that he can identify the stock of fresh produce and can react accordingly- with repeat orders or special happy-hour offers.
The KH 800 SV scales will assist the customer in the area of self service. They will identify the objects to be weighed with a camera and can for example automatically detect and differentiate pears and apples. This saves the customer a great amount of time with searching for product buttons and is an addition in order to allow for optimisation in the area of self checkout service.
In the Arts pavilion (stand 2037) and in demo area 1, Bizerba will present their own module of RetailFrameworks for the K-class scales in connection with the motto “Made it simple”. “In our eyes, the scales are a central issue at the Point of Sale. “They should be in constant dialogue with the customer and help him in all situations of sales”, continues Gross. All of the corresponding applications for retail tasks are available to weigh, cash, advertise and advise and print receipts.
In demo area 2, Bizerba will present the concept of the open platform. “The user or external service providers are able to programme the scales themselves according to their respective standards. The scales are therefore open to all applications from the whole IT world”, says Gross. No sooner said than done. Bizerba also shows integrations with YeahPoint (kiosk applications, content provider, queuing), electronic labels, middleware and the merchandise management of Invatron. Diversity and innovations in the “mobile” area can also be found in Bizerba’s solutions, whether it is help for the heads of department or the support team. Complexity will become simple through the use of retail standards- this is the core task of the ARTS (Association for Retail Technology and Standards) in which Bizerba is the co-chair of the Fresh Item Management Group.
A solution of the company Third Solutions will be presented as an example of integration. The customer opens his individual account via a web server and he and the retailer have access to this account with a password. There they can communicate with one another and carry out interaction- from the start of the order process to the formulation of the invoice.
Bizerba is also represented in the area Green IT of the innovation store (stand 2171). In complete environmental awareness, all Bizerba products are focused on sustainable return-of-investment and so-called retail sustainability. Modern solutions offer real time information- a constant and up-to-date overview of the sales numbers. “The user will know exactly what the status of the products is at his fresh food counter and can therefore efficiently thwart product deterioration and write-offs,” says Tudor Andronic from the retail business development sector at Bizerba. He can set up regulating measures like special offers such as happy hour or event-driven couponing, and so he can reduce rejects and the CO2 emissions of the entire supply chain. Because a good calculation is a guarantee for less kilometres to drive.
weiterführende Infos / Links :
Firma: Bizerba GmbH & Co, KG
Ansprechpartner: Patrick Schroeder
Stadt: Bonn
Telefon: 0228 620 43 82
Art des Inhalts: Messeinformation
Keywords (optional):
New multimedia scales, vendors, grocers, competitive advantages, cost ...
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Über den Autor
About Bizerba:Bizerba is an international technological company which is a market leader in many areas and which produces professional system solutions for weighing, labelling, information and food service technology in the sectors of retail, the food industry, the commercial industry and logistics. Industry specific hard- and software, high capacity, network-compatible management systems and a wide range of labels, consumables and business services provide the transparent control of integrated business processes and the high availability of the specific Bizerba capability characteristics.
Bizerba is present in over 120 countries- with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries and 56 country organisations. The turnover of the enterprise amounts to approximately 433 million EUR in 2008. The headquarters of the company, which has roughly 3,100 employees, is in Balingen, Germany, there are additional production plants in Meßkirch and Bochum, Germany, Vienna (Austria), Pfäffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Forest Hill (USA) and San Louis Potosi (Mexico).
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