Newest developments in E/E Systems for Wind Turbines
Berlin, 07.03.2012 – To stay competitive with other energies, the costs of wind energy must be reduced. An important factor in the reduction of costs is the optimization of wind turbine efficiency. Electronic failures of wind turbines account for significant economic losses and unplanned maintenance. Find out at IQPC’s second International Conference E/E Systems for Wind Turbines, 21 – 23 May, 2012 in Bremen about the most recent improvements on electronic systems for wind turbines and meet many OEMs to discuss state-of-the-art systems.
After the successful launch of the conference last year; this year’s conference puts a special emphasis on the utilities’ and developers’ perspective on future requirements for wind turbines. Additionally, specific grid code requirements to ensure compliance to the power generation system is a topic at our second conference about electronic wind turbine systems.
Other key topics at the conference are:
•Operators, developers and utilities: Requirements and Future Projects
•Pitch system development and controlling systems
•Grid Codes & Grid Compliance
•Generator systems for wind turbines and future applications
•Converter technology for wind turbines
Meet leading international companies at our conference to share experiences and discuss developments and challenges: Moog, DONG Energy Renewables, WinWind Oy, RWE,
Bosch Rexroth, E.On or GE Energy are among the contributors to the topic.
In addition to our frequent networking breaks, participants are also offered four interactive workshops on Wednesday, 23 May 2012:
•“Functional safety for pitch systems with regard to reliability & availability” (Moog Germany)
•“Current and future generator-converter systems”
•“High availability control systems for wind turbines”
•“Ensuring grid compliance” (GE Energy Consulting UK)
Discuss the future of power electronics in the light of offshore versus onshore applications and exchange your experience with leading experts in the field.
For more information on the conference and interesting downloads, go to
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t: +49 (0) 30 2091 32 74
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Firma: IQPC GmbH
Ansprechpartner: Congress Team
Stadt: Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 2091 32 74
Art des Inhalts: Messeinformation
Keywords (optional):
wind turbines, electric systems, wind turbine, windpower, wind generat ...
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