Wake Up: BAGL SPRINGtime 2012, parallel to the „Gallery Weekend“ in Berlin
42 artists of differnet kinds of contemporary art-styles from Spain, France, Russia, USA, United Kingdom, Poland, Austria and whole Germany will display their works exclusivley at the coming BAGL SPRINGtime from 27. April – 1. May 2012 daily from 1 pm.The 5-day art-event takes place central, very close to Hackescher Markt again, at Spandauer Straße 2, 10178 Berlin-Mitte. Parallel to the Gallery Weekend 2012 in Berlin at which 50 galleries invite to have a look at their exhibits and join their openings and art-tours from 27. April – 29. April 2012, the BAGL contributes with it´s daily changing supporting-program to a diverse offer for all art-lovers.

The 5-day art-event takes place central, very close to Hackescher Markt again, at Spandauer Straße 2, 10178 Berlin-Mitte. Parallel to the Gallery Weekend 2012 in Berlin at which 50 galleries invite to have a look at their exhibits and join their openings and art-tours from 27. April – 29. April 2012, the BAGL contributes with it´s daily changing supporting-program to a diverse offer for all art-lovers.
The nearly 1000m² wide venue can be expierienced with the exhibition catalogue or an audio-tour by the visitors themselfs. Most of the participants are personally there and would appriciate to talk about inspiring things about abstract and objective acrlic- and oil painting, etchings, drawings, photography, video- art and much more. Thus, for example, the artist-group Brasche displays a working radiator sculpture, the californian based artist David Normal displays his „Illuminations“, artworks made of endlighten plexiglas.
Equipped with a provided single-use-camera, the visitor is able to take some artistic impressions from his point of view. The best pictures will be shown on www.bagl-artists.de after the exhibition.
Over and above that, the BAGL offers a daily changing program for all senses. For this the two volunteers Jennifer Spruß und Anja Schneider made a lot possible.
The official opening will start on 27. April from 7 pm. At 8 pm a classical Arie, interpreted and performed by the artists Kernbach, Döring & Theisen (www.con-musica.com/BaglSpringtime.htm) with mixture of video-art will be presented. Let them surprise you!
Unfortunately not at our flyers, but invited as our „surprising guest“ Elen Wendt, after who even Xavier Naidoo, Nena, Boss Hoss aand Rea Garvey have turned around in the TV show „The voice of germany“, promised to sing some of her most favourite songs in a new and self-interpreted way at 9 pm. (http://www.elenmusic.org/index.php/medien/youtube-videos) We are looking forward to hear her powerful voice!
Who likes to dance and have some fun, knows and enjoys the DJ music from Tanz+Klangkombinat, who will mix some fresh new spring-sounds from 10 pm. (www.tanzundklangkombinat.de).
On 28.04.2012 from 8 pm, the newcomers „Brobick“ will perform the self written texts and songs. Not only for Hip hop fans. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huCRpFOCFEc).
From 10 pm the singer and songwriter Laura Dee (www.mylauradee.com) accompanies musically you into the unusual exhibition in the dark “Sleepy Eyes“. At this night, from Saturday to Sunday, the visitors will be equipped with lanterns, light sticks, flashlights etc. and is able to expirience the artworks in a quite new way.
Innovative impressions of experimantal music with live compositions the sound artists Virtaranta & Okuda will open the evening of the 29. April from 7 pm (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJDnbxwNa38).
From 9 pm the Norwegian band „The Morningtons“ care for some independent atmosphere (www.facebook.com/Morningtons). You can hear stylistically the influence of The Libertines, Suede, Arctic Monkeys or of the Sex Pistols.
On 30. April at 7 pm 19:00 Uhr a kind of special dance performance will surprise you. Anna Anderegg with her “Asphalt Piloten“ will stage a play of the urban utopia of the public space with her work “Tape Riot“. This work has got a „stage-character“, two dancers, one taper and one musician perform spotaniuosly with their environment and do not feel bound to a classical stage. In cooperation with a video artist and a cutter the performance will be published at the net almost simultaneously and can be pursuit there in full context (http://vimeo.com/30641619).
From 8 pm Pörg & Der Doc know how to enternain you with literature and music by a mixture of joke and charming seriousness. A short trip through the world of literature and music – simply Literatainment.
From 10 pm the visitors can dance into the 1. May with Balkantronika, a new mixture of balkan, gypsy, electro, drum´n`bass and break-beats in teamwork with DJs and guest musicians (http://balkantronika.de/).
At the final exhibition day, the 1. Mai, Joe M Kernbach from „con-musica“ stages a new form of „Max & Moritz“ in a non-violent way, this may not only be interesting for children!
At 6 pm the traditional BAGL auction of selected artworks takes place. After that, from 10 pm, Bernd Brecht cleans up the venue (www.stephandialer.de). The visitor is welcome to help or has the possibility to get his most favourite artwork last-minute.
For the physical well-beeing, the caterer Alexander Koloska from „Brot Cuisine“ (www.brotcuisine.de) provides delicious sandwiches. Mirko Bode from the „Probastor 3: 16 GbR“ takes care with his also known „Roter Oktober“-beer (http://www.probastor.com/).
The BAGL SPRINGtime 2012 exhibition can be visited from 27.04. - 01.05.2012, daily opend from 1 pm to midnigh (open end). Daily entrance fee is 6,00 € (reduced 4,00 €) at Spandauer Str. 2, 10178 Berlin-Mitte. Tickets are available at the counter or at pre-sell services.
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=FRFEAVU0ioc&context=C46390f1ADvjVQa1PpcFPHO6EFC3E8Q0JeGqOhJ8Ou4v6USbKbXPg=
Kareem Ralph Amin – Aura Ling – Hans ´Berggorilla` Maaßen – Anna Bilon – Birgit Bock – Brasche – Regine Bröse – Thomas Bröse – Juan Carlos Espejo – Gabriolisa – Eigenart-Swantje Hattemer – Solveig Gaida – Marana Grit Glowacki – GrundschocksArt – Anja Hrbatschek – Anna Hübsch – Anna Käse – Carola Kirsch – Maria Koroleva – Andrzej Koston – Carsten Kühn – Adriana Lacko – Reiner Langer – Brygida Lindner – Lutée – Traute Macom – Me Berlin – Nicole Montéran – Mystechprod – David Normal – Katerina Omelchuk – Andrea Plank – Wolfgang Riedemann – Klaus Rudolf – Sebastian Schmidt – Nicole Schmelter – Anja Schneider – Werner Schön – Bernadette Schweihoff – Nagesh C Shanbhag - Jennifer Spruß – Klaus Stein
weiterführende Infos / Links :
Firma: BAGL BerlinArtistsGoingLive
Ansprechpartner: Jennifer Spruß
Stadt: Berlin
Telefon: 030 5448 7117
Art des Inhalts: Messeinformation
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Über den Autor
Ursprünglich in 2009 als zunächst einmaliges Projekt geplant, fand die auf Eigeninitiative und Kostenteilung der teilnehmenden Künstler organisierte und basierende Ausstellung „Berlin Artists Going Live“ (BAGL) bei Publikum und Teilnehmern so positiven Anklang, dass aus dem ursprünglichen Organisationsteam bereits Ende 2009 das non-profit Projekt „Gemeinnützige European Artists Going Live Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)“, kurz: Gem. EAGL UG, als verantwortliche juristische und steuerrechtliche Dachorganisation gegründet wurde. Die EAGL UG ist vom Finanzamt für Körperschaften I als gemeinnützig anerkannt.Die Anfangsschwierigkeiten in der (Vor-)gründungsphase konnten zwischenzeitlich durch unzählige Arbeitsstunden in ehrenamtlicher Tätigkeit gemeistert werden. Arbeitsabläufe wurden durch den Aufbau entsprechender Datenbanken und Vernetzungen, der Festlegung von zeitbezogenen Organisationsabläufen sowie durch zwischenzeitlich gefestigte Kalkulations-grundlagen optimiert.
Die BAGL findet regelmäßig zur Zeit der kommerziellen Kunstveranstaltungen in Berlin, dem „gallery weekend“ im Frühjahr sowie den Kunstmessen im Herbst statt. Ziel ist es, unbekannten oder wenig bekannten Künstlern aller Stilrichtungen eine auf Kostenteilung basierende Multiplikationsplattform mit größtmöglicher Bewerbung und professionellem Auftritt an zentralen Ausstellungsorten (2011 und im Frühjahr 2012 in der Sandauer Str. 2, Nähe dem Hackeschen Markt) zu bieten, wobei ein Hauptaugenmerk auf einer auch nach den Ausstellungen nachwirkender dauerhafter Vernetzung der Kunstschaffenden zur Förderung deren Bekanntheitsgrades liegt. Im vergangenen Kunst Herbst 2011 fand bereits die dritte “BAGL afFAIRs“ Kunstausstellung, wie bisher mit einem täglichen Rahmenprogramm darstellender Künstler, statt. Als mittlerweile feste Größe der Berliner Kunstszene startet die BAGL im Frühjahr 2012 wieder mit 40-50 nationalen und internationalen Künstlern mit der „BAGL SPRINGtime 2012“ ins vierte Jahr.
Englisch Version
Originally planned in 2009 as a first-time project, which took place on their own initiative and cost sharing of the participating artists, organized and based exhibition “Berlin Artists Going Live” (BAGL) got a such positive response by the audience, that the original organizing team became in late 2009 the non-profit project „Gemeinnützige European Artists Going Live Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)“, short: Gem. EAGL UG, founded as a responisble parent organization. The EAGL UG is recognized as a non-profit company by the tax office for corporations I.
The initial difficulties in (pre-) founding phase and not least temporarily disabled by the apparently functioning German bureaucracy have been mastered,
Workflows have been optimized by relevant databases and networks, time-related organizational processes as well as interim consolidated spreadsheet basics.
The BAGL takes place regulary parallel to the commercial Art-Events in Berlin, the “Gallery Weekend” in spring and the famous Art Fairs in fall. It is targeted to offer unkown or not yet established artists of all kind of art directions a multiplication platform with a maximum of promotion and professional appearance at central venues (2011 and in Fall 2012 at Spandauer Str. 2, very cloes to the Hackeschen Markt) based on cost-sharing, with a main focus on a permanent networking of the artists to promote their awareness even after the exhibitions. In the past “Art Fall” 2011 in Berlin, the the third “BAGL afFAIRs” exhibition took place with a daily changing supporting programm with performing, as the exhibitions before. As now firmly established in the Berlin Art Scene, the BAGL SPRINGtime 2012 starts into the 4th year with 40-50 national and international artists.
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