Debate surrounding Stem Cells
Debate surrounding Stem CellsThe speciality of the stem cell is it has an ability to create another cell or repair the damaged tissues or cells. It can be categorized as embryonic stem cell and adult stem cell. The embryonic stem cell is developed through the egg of female and it needs to be fertilized by the male sperm. The overall process may take 4-5 days.
Now let’s understand what stem cell research is and why it is a subject of controversy.
Cryobanks India international has simplified the concept of stem cell. Basically, a stem cell helps to research on how to develop basic cells that aids in development of the organism. Cells are grown in laboratories where fundamental properties of the cell are investigated upon.
The major debate surrounding stem cell is about the ethics. Uptill now the research was carried on embryonic stem cell that involved picking the tissue from an aborted embryo. This process is carried on after the conception or between the 5th and 9th day of the week.
After this the researchers moved to an ethical method known as induced pluripotent stem cells. IPS is conceived from non pluripotent stem cell like adult somatic cells.
It is an important advancement in the field of medical technology, as it allows researchers to obtain pluripotent cells, without the usage of embryo cells.
There are two main issues that is surrounding stem cell research.
Firstly, how will they use the knowledge?
Secondly, issues surrounding the methods
In this post we will try to concentrate on the second point i.e concerns that surround the stem cell research
Cryobanks India international is of view that the stem cell research can help to cure multifarious medical problems. It could lead to the better treatment and closer to humanity. Here are some diseases that it can cure easily
Parkinson’s Disease
Spinal Cord Injuries
Replace or Repair Damaged Organs
Heart Diseases
Repairing of Damaged Organs
Stroke and Diabetes
Birth Defects
Less risk in case of transplation surgeries
It plays a major role to combat the incidence of cancer.
By treating all these diseases our society will face a tremendous change.
The major problem of stem cell research is we don’t have capability to mess with the human lives. Research carried on mouse is way better than on human being.
The God is the existence of the universe. So, we should never try to play with his existence.
Last but not the least; with stem cell research the researchers have power to clone the human beings. And this could lead to drastic consequences. Even the research programs with good intentions have not been able to successfully implement it.
Hence, it can be concluded that it is still a debatable topic with no conclusions.
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